• 我们的价值
  • CSPO+A-CSPO直通车
  • 敏捷领导力(CAL E+O / ALJ)认证培训
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  • A-CSM 国际Scrum联盟认证 ScrumMaster
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Certification Course > Certified Scrum Professional-ScrumMaster (Delivered at weekend)
Certified Scrum Professional-ScrumMaster (Delivered at weekend).Closed
  • 2024-07-06 ~ 07 Shanghai
  • Course organizer:ShineScrum捷行
  • Date:
    2024-07-06 ~ 07, 09:00 ~ 17:00
  • City:上海市徐汇区建国西路285号科投大厦13楼悦来集
  • Trainer:Jim Wang
  • Price:官方价12000元/位,早鸟价8500元/位,团体报名(3人及以上)有优惠,老学员报名或推荐有优惠,在线提交报名信息后,我们会联系您确认优惠价格等相关事宜。凡购买“CSP直通车(CSP Bootcamp)”即A-CSM+CSP-SM享受打包价12800元/位。
  • 敏捷教练2004年第一次成为Pete Behrens (CEC)的头衔。敏捷教练帮助组织和团队从传统的工作方式转变为更具适应力,以应对日益复杂的环境。不是所有的教练都是⼀样的,敏捷教练应为团队和组织带来特定的技能。Scrum联盟定义了敏捷教练的5大关键能力:
  • 评估(Assess)的能力
  • 敏捷教练是团队的⼀⾯镜⼦,帮助团队呈现影响他们的基本系统。赋能团队思考提升敏捷度并提高绩效的可能⽅式。可以帮助团队看到表面之下,暴露具有挑战性的症状,并隔离找出根本原因。⽰例:评估团队的影响范围,采取授权探索技能,找到团队障碍的替代⽅法。
  • 教育(Educate)的能力
  • 敏捷教练通过教育和探索来指导客户的敏捷学习。专注稳定原则和不同实践,根据情况将客户的成熟度与敏捷的有效应用相结合。 他们是开化客户对敏捷了解和增强敏捷意识的导师和领导者。⽰例:精益/敏捷/ Scrum培训,针对性的团队实践培训,ScrumMaster和产品负责⼈培训和指导,敏捷技术实践培训。
  • 引导 (Facilitate)的能力
  • 敏捷教练引导客户对敏捷的使⽤,实施和协调。参与团队和利益相关者有针对性的关键对话和一致性的对齐活动。 他们保持公正的观点,并利⽤协作和共识策略一起来识别创造性机会。示例:多团队发布计划,发布回顾,与多个利益相关者对项目组合的优先排序的工作坊。
  • 催化( Catalyze)的能力
  • 敏捷教练是团队的变⾰代理人。他们与整个组织系统以及指导他们的领导者积极参与。 增强团队的现有技能和能⼒。他们是相互依存连接,并影响团队的反思,学习和成长。 ⽰例:以⾝作则,分享个⼈学习的经验,提高敏捷性进度的可见度。
  • 平衡 (Balance)的能力
  • 敏捷教练将他们⾃⼰的敏捷专长与团队的需求和⽬标相平衡。 他们使⽤诸如提问,角色建模,分享专业知识,指导团队的⾃我发现等教练⼯具。 示例:规定的解决⽅案与解决⽅案的探索性发现平衡;主导问题与提出强有⼒问题平衡;标准化⽅法与裁剪定制⽅法平衡。
  • 在CSP-SM课程前后,我们鼓励学员用这个工具来从这5个维度自我评估教练的关键能力。先做现状评估(1-5打分),完成学习后,重新评估,制定提升计划,定期重新自评及总结,优化改进措施,帮助持续提升。
  • CSP-SM课程包括总共14个小时的学习。你将与Path to CSP Educator,Jim Wang进行在线面对面互动学习。将提升Scrum Mastering和敏捷指导的具体实践,并培养有助于改善Scrum团队,组织和你自己的技能。Scrum专业人士敢于挑战他们的团队,以改善Scrum和敏捷原则的应用方式。他们在Scrum中表现出了丰富的经验,有据可查的培训和可靠的知识。学习找到可行的解决方案,并改善您在工作场所中对Scrum的实施。
  • 您准备好将自己在Scrum Master中的知识和技能提升到新的水平吗?通过获得Certified Scrum Professional®-ScrumMaster(CSP®-SM)认证来进一步提升您的职业生涯。

Course Features
  • 课程采用工作坊(Workshop)模式授课,课程互动性强;
  • 资深Scrum培训师授课,讲师授课风趣幽默,游戏、练习丰富、互动性强;
  • 讲师在美国工作多年,具有多年在跨国公司的大型团队的带队经验,实战经验丰富,也更了解中国文化及中国团队所面临的挑战;
  • 课程案例、游戏练习非常丰富,贴近实战,囊括大量项目论证过的实践经验;

Course Audience
  • The Certified Scrum Professional - ScrumMaster workshop is for participants who want to advance themselves on the path to Agile Coaches, and it is not a session for those who are new to Agile and Scrum.
  • All attendees must have the Advanced Certified ScrumMaster certification (A-CSM) and with practice prior to the Certified Scrum Professional ScrumMaster (CSP-SM) workshop. If you don't current have A-CSM certification, please contact us for options.
  • Participants should be passionate in advancing as a ScrumMaster and an Agile coach, and therefore be willing to challenge their own thinking and approaches within this course.

By successfully completing the course and the online certification test, you will receive
  • By earning a Certified Scrum Professional (CSP-SM) certification you:
  • Attend exclusive CSP® events with other leaders in Scrum and Agile.
  • Receive a free Premium subscription to the world's largest Agile assessment and continuous improvement platform, Comparative Agility®.
  • Attract more recruiters and command a higher rate of pay.
  • Identify and differentiate yourself in the job market using digital badges (coming soon).
  • Establish a gateway and milestone toward becoming CST®, CEC, or CTC.
  • Become an expert in Scrum, which will not grow obsolete or out of style.
  • Letting others know about your accomplishments by displaying your CSP-SM certificate & logos, along with an active profile on the Scrum Alliance website.

Certificate Sample
  • Photo2_csp-sm

Contact Information
  • Tel:
    400 920 0024
  • Email:
  • ShineScrum捷行 (Shanghai Office)
    Room 715, 6 #, Haibin Times Building, No.368 Lushuo Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, 200052
  • ShineScrum捷行 (Beijing Office)
    Room 220, No. 7 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China
  • 1. Advanced Coaching
  • 1.1 Advanced Coaching Skills and their application
  • 1.2 Coaching Application with Responsibility Process
  • 1.3 Coaching Tools
  • 1.4 Coaching Assumptions and Agreement
  • 2. Advanced Facilitation
  • 2.1 Alternatives to Open Discussion
  • 2.2 Visual Facititation
  • 2.3 Remote Facilitation
  • 3. A deeper dive into Lean, Agile and Scrum
  • 3.1 Key Lean Principles and Concepts
  • 3.2 Assessing Waste at All Levels
  • 3.3 Applications in Scrum Framework and Organization Transformation
  • 4. Services to Development Team
  • 4.1 Different Methods to Assess Existing Teams
  • 4.2 Team Performance Curve (and Tuckman Model comparison)
  • 4.3 Coaching Team via Team Development Profile
  • 4.4 Coaching Team via Drexler-Sibbet Model
  • 4.5 5 Dysfunctions of Teams
  • 4.6 Starting and Growing New Agile Teams
  • 4.7 Coaching Team on Software Craftsmanship
  • 5. Services to Product Owner
  • 5.1 Creation and Revision of Product Vision and Strategy
  • 5.2 Complex Product Backlog Management
  • 5.3 Product Owner Support
  • 6. Services to Organization
  • 6.1 Complex Adaptive System
  • 6.2 Effective Culture Change (concepts and tools)
  • 6.3 Case Study applying tools introduced during A-CSM and CSP-SM workshops
  • 6.4 Organization Change via contrasting different models
  • 6.5 Organization Change Pattern Analysis
  • 6.6 Scaling - Growing Organization
  • 7. Personal Development
  • 7.1 Coaching practices for personal growth actions
  • 7.2 Design of Individual Learning and Capability Goals and Follow-up
  • 7.3 Next Steps
  • Thumb_jim-wang
    Jim Wang
    Jim Wang
    Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), CAL Trainer, LCP, LeSS-friendly Scrum Trainer, Agile Software and Hardware Development Expert, MBA
    Jim Wang, Certified Scrum Trainer (CST since 2015) from Scrum Alliance, CAL Trainer, ALJ Guide, MBA, Management Consultant, working with organizations to improve their product end-to-end discovery and delivery process, and specializing in agile hardware, agile leadership & organizational change. Jim’s background is cross mechanical and electrical engineering, manufacturing and software development. The author of books “Scrum Practice Essential” and “Agile Coach Growth Scripts”.  
    Jim has a vast understanding of coaching and training executives from different industries and cultures. Jim has 25 years of experience in the software and hardware industry. Jim began his career as a Chief Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) engineer at Vicor in Boston, after living in USA for 11 years, he has since then actively been practicing Scrum, Jim returned to Shanghai and successfully built up the Endeca Offshore Development Center (acquired by Oracle) and the Avid China Development Center, both centers were using Scrum, he has led over 150 teams through to successful build high-end software products. He has also served as Director of Oracle's Shanghai BI R&D center, and held executives at two global software firms. 
    Jim specializes in interactive teaching style. His innovative approach and realistic case studies have proven to be very popular among trainees. Jim brings a wealth of experience to his customers, having worked with global organizations, training and coaching teams in the USA, China, Japan, India, Malaysia, Australia, Thailand, Vietnam etc. Jim has worked with clients including Roche, Lilly, Lundbeck, Delixi Electric, Honeywell, Siemens, Microsoft, McD, BMW, IKEA, Standard Chartered, China Bank and many other global companies.
    Jim has a Master's Degree in Computer Information Engineering and a Master's Degree Mechanical Engineering, both from Northeastern University in Boston, and MBA Entrepreneurship Program from Babson College in Wellesley.